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Chronically Healing Podcast

Oct 15, 2018

Today's episode is all about self care and the things I do to keep me smiling every day. Some of them are things I do daily and others are things I do whenever I need them. 

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AIPositive Facebook Group:

Coaching Facebook Page: 

Oct 2, 2018

Today's episode is another goodie with Benjamin Fritz, who takes us on his health journey dealing with mercury toxicity and adrenal fatigue. We talk about his story and how he's not looking to western medicine to help.

Ben's Email:

Ben's Instagram:

Ben's Website:

Sep 25, 2018

Working is hard for most humans, but working with a chronic illness can be even harder. The stress, long hours and requirements of a job can be downright impossible for some people with autoimmune and chronic illnesses.

In this episode, I take you through how I'm my own advocate at work, from talking to my employer...

Sep 18, 2018

In today's episode, I have my partner and fiance on the show talking about how we keep a strong, happy and healthy relationship when we're both dealing with chronic illness. Spoiler: It's not easy!

Ben's Email:

Ben's Instagram:

Ben's Website:

Aug 31, 2018

In today's episode I take you through my current morning routine. Have small routines in your day are SO helpful for your healing journey. 

Manifesting book I use: Unleash Your Inner Money Babe


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